Broadcasting buttons in the E2D system

Broadcasting buttons in the E2D system

Some DALI-2 equipment like buttons may be used as a stand-alone system for controlling the light. In such a situation, these buttons are working in application controller mode. In the E2D, you need to be sure that application controller mode is disabled on these devices. In another case, you may notice the faulty operation of the system. Find how to disable application controller mode in VERTEX GUI.


  1. Log in to the VERTEX GUI.

  2. Go to the [1] Device list.

  3. Go to the [2] Control devices section.

  4. Mark DALI-2 devices you want to select [3].

  5. Click [4] Actions button.

  6. Click [5] Change device properities.


Send checkbox for the [6] Application controller and set checkbox to [7] Disabled. Then click the [8] Save configuration to device button.



The application controller mode is now disabled.

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