Sensor Commissioning
How to commission it?
The getting started with Node-RED section is here: Programing logic (Node-Red)
Import the ready made flow using the instructions here: Importing a Node-RED flow or follow the instructions below.
[{"id":"48c64e7.cdb30b","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"f79eb729.4dbfd8","type":"vertex action","z":"48c64e7.cdb30b","name":"","typeButton":"single","bPayload":{"action":"off","group":"80e71f1b478e0dda915682ba49ea6d10","param":null,"priority":"254"},"bState":"","defaultpriority":true,"x":810,"y":340,"wires":[["3f884023.a9f3e"]]},{"id":"d9625e51.a9caf","type":"dali2devs","z":"48c64e7.cdb30b","name":"","uid":"0022518508153C283A","dali2dev":"0","devStatus":2,"instanceType":1,"dali2t1":90,"dali2t2":"","instanceData":{"InstanceStatusFlags":2,"InstanceType":1,"Resolution":1,"InstanceError":false,"InstanceActive":true,"InstanceGroup0":255,"InstanceGroup1":255,"InstanceGroup2":255,"EventScheme":2,"EventPriority":3,"EventFilter":212,"EventFilterSize":1,"FeatureType":[],"InputValue":0,"InstanceDetails":{"ShortTimer":25,"ShortTimerMin":10,"DoubleTimer":0,"DoubleTimerMin":10,"RepeatTimer":8,"StuckTimer":20},"DataModelRecipe":["Dali2Instance301_config"],"INSTNR":0},"mode":"normal","x":610,"y":340,"wires":[["f79eb729.4dbfd8"]]},{"id":"3f884023.a9f3e","type":"vertex cluster","z":"48c64e7.cdb30b","rate":90,"x":1010,"y":340,"wires":[]}]
Step-by-step instructions
Sensor settings
To program sensor logic within the Node-RED tool you need to use a DALI2 Devs node, which is available in the node palette on the left-hand side of Node-RED UI.
Drag the node to the workspace and click it to enter the configuration window. Choose the sensor by it’s serial number in the Serial Number field [1]. By default all instances are marked which means they are disabled. Enable detection by unchecking the Motion/presence sensor checkbox [2]. Below that you have two fields where you can set the presence and transition time durations [3].
The most common Event filters are set by default. In special cases you can deactivate some of them.
Event filter | Explanation/usecase |
Occupied event | triggered after detecting movement for a set time (Δ t1) |
Vacant event | active after transition state when no further motion is detected |
Repeat event | transmits status every 20 seconds |
Movement event | triggered while detecting movement |
No movement event | active when no movement is detected |
Timer settings let you set times for different actions for .
Timer setting | Explanation |
Hold timer | Time of presence state after detecting movement (Δ t1) |
Repeat timer | status reporting time period when repeat event set |
Deadtimer timer | duration of dead time after entering vacant mode |
Save your settings by clicking Done in the upper right corner of the window.
Target settings
The motion detection cycle we explain here, is shown in the picture below.
The cycle begins with movement detected. A light level is set for a presence time (t1). Presence time can be reset by new movement detections. If no movement has been detected in a complete presence time cycle the transition light level will be set. During the transition time (t2) if movement is detected the presence light level will be activated again. If no movement is detected in the transition time cycle the light will be set to the no presence level.
Find the vertex action node in the palette and drag it your workspace.
Open the node and set Mode as Motion sensor [4]. Then select the group [5] you want to control with this multisensor.
It’s possible to set priority (6) for each of the motion detection fields. For more information read this article: Action priorities
Next, you can define the settings for Presence, Transition, and No presence fields. First choose the type of action [7] you need and set parameters if needed. Here we use set brightness as an example.
Don't forget to connect all your nodes and be sure that the vertex cluster node is present in your flow!
Then click Deploy button at the upper-right corner of the Node-RED.