Control panel buttons - general
The getting started with Node-RED section is here: Programing logic (Node-Red)
The following example is a 4-button panel where the following button functions are set:
turning the light on
turning the light off
set the brightness to 50%
set the brightness to 10%
Import the ready made flow using the instructions here: Importing a Node-RED flow or follow the instructions below.
[{"id":"9d9261ef.1d337","type":"DALI2 Devs Common","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","name":"","outputs":4,"uid":"000000055DF8432D77","savedSettings":[{"instanceType":1,"isDisabled":false,"mode":"normal"},{"instanceType":1,"isDisabled":false,"mode":"normal"},{"instanceType":1,"isDisabled":false,"mode":"normal"},{"instanceType":1,"isDisabled":false,"mode":"normal"},{"instanceType":1,"isDisabled":true,"mode":"normal"},{"instanceType":1,"isDisabled":true,"mode":"normal"}],"x":680,"y":780,"wires":[["6c51f7a7.b2f768"],["8f85d6e8.a046f8"],["f334a1d6.f24f4"],["56162c55.f8b3e4"]]},{"id":"6c51f7a7.b2f768","type":"vertex action","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","name":"ON","typeButton":"single","bPayload":{"action":"maxlevel","group":"f9659369ae52a243385a997dec4f8e86","param":null,"priority":"254"},"bState":"","defaultpriority":true,"x":940,"y":740,"wires":[["97c3bacc.68e538"]]},{"id":"97c3bacc.68e538","type":"vertex cluster","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","userouting":false,"rate":5,"x":1170,"y":780,"wires":[]},{"id":"8f85d6e8.a046f8","type":"vertex action","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","name":"OFF","typeButton":"single","bPayload":{"action":"off","group":"f9659369ae52a243385a997dec4f8e86","param":null,"priority":"254"},"bState":"","defaultpriority":true,"x":940,"y":780,"wires":[["97c3bacc.68e538"]]},{"id":"f334a1d6.f24f4","type":"vertex action","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","name":"50%","typeButton":"single","bPayload":{"action":"setbrightness","group":"f9659369ae52a243385a997dec4f8e86","param":"50","priority":"254"},"bState":"","defaultpriority":true,"x":940,"y":820,"wires":[["97c3bacc.68e538"]]},{"id":"56162c55.f8b3e4","type":"vertex action","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","name":"10%","typeButton":"single","bPayload":{"action":"setbrightness","group":"f9659369ae52a243385a997dec4f8e86","param":"10","priority":"254"},"bState":"","defaultpriority":true,"x":940,"y":860,"wires":[["97c3bacc.68e538"]]},{"id":"498551e7.3ee72","type":"comment","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","name":"Select and configure a panel","info":"## Clear 4 checkboxes to have 4 buttons to manage. Set the Mode as Normal. You don’t need to change Event filters.\n\n","x":680,"y":720,"wires":[]},{"id":"d17f9577.007ec8","type":"comment","z":"ce67c69c.4fd4e8","name":"Define actions for 4 buttons","info":"## 1. Select mode as Single button.\n## 2. Select the right group.\n\n","x":940,"y":680,"wires":[]}]
Step-by-step instructions
Find the following nodes in the palette on the left side of the Node-RED and drag them to your workspace
DALI2 Devs Common
vertex action x4
vertex cluster
2. Click the DALI2 Devs Common node to enter the configuration window, in the Devices field [1], select your panel from the drop down list.
Make sure that the multisensor is properly connected to the Vertex properly. If not, you won’t be able to set up the parameters. The device with “no communication” status is marked as “NC” at the beginning of the name.
3. By default all instances are marked which means they are disabled. Enable buttons by unchecking the is disabled checkbox and set the Mode as Normal [2].
Mark event filters as shown below [3]
For each button function you have a vertex action node.
To end configure node click Done
1st button is for turning on the light:
Set the name as e.g. ON [4]. Then select the Mode as Single button [5]. Then you need to define action as Recall max level and choose the luminaire group you want to control [6].
2nd button for turning off the light:
Set the name as e.g. OFF [7]. Then select the Mode as Single button [8]. Change the action to Recall off [9].
3rd button for 10% brightness and 4th button for 50% brightness:
Name the node [10] and set the mode to single button [11]. Select the action as Set brightness and then by using the slider, set the brightness as 10%. [12]
Repeat these steps for the 50% button (button 4).
6. Link the nodes together as shown in the picture on top of the article. Connect the Dali2 Devs Common node outputs to coresponding vertex action nodes and then connect the outputs of vertex action nodes to the vertex cluster node.
Do not forget to click Done and Deploy!