Creating lighting scenes

Creating lighting scenes

Scenes are predefined lighting settings in which luminaires have specific brightness levels and sometimes a colour value. A scene may contain individual levels for different luminaires. e.g. some luminaires can be switched off and the lighting intensity of other luminaires can be reduced (typically used in classrooms). In this article, you will learn how to configure scenes using the E2D UI.

Simple tab configuration

  1. Go to the Scenes tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Choose define scenes in the Simple tab [1].

  2. Using the pop up box [2], you will need to define the target where the scenes will be sent. There are 3 options: Broadcast, Group and Single device.

  1. Choose the scene number where your settings will be stored. Any previous scene settings for this scene will be erased. You can set more than one scene at a time, but they will be the same scene.

  1. Now go to the Set scene values section and choose the type of values you will be setting.

  • Brightness

  • Brightness + temperature

  • Brightness +Hue

  1. You can preview your scene on device, but most importantly click Send to Device!

Advanced tab configuration

  1. Go to the Scenes tab [1] on the left-hand side of the screen and open the Advanced tab [3].

  2. Filter to the devices you want to store your scene settings. Selected device information is displayed in the section below [4]. Choose the scene or multiple scenes you want to set the parameters to [5].

  1. At the top of this tab [6] define your settings for each scene. You have two types of scenes:

  • Brightness and color temperature - here apart from setting color temperature values manualy you can choose one of the preset values [7].

  • Brightness + Hue - this color scene alows for setting parameters for all RGBAWF luminaires.


  1. When you are ready with your scenes click Send to Device!


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