

The following article is for updating the non-BLE LMS WIRELESS DONGLE only.

Hello and welcome in this article about Dongle updates.

Below you will find an instruction on how to check your firmware version. Upon opening the commissioning app and establishes connection to the Dongle, it will attempt to update the Dongle to the latest firmware. 

Step by step instruction

  1. In the luminaires tab click on the Bluetooth sign [1]. You will then see your dongle. Make sure it is within reach, so that you can connect with it. You will see your current Dongle firmware version [2].

  1. Click on the Site ID and then ‘Firmware’

  2. Click on the ‘LiteIPMate’ Device Type box in the top left corner [3]and then click ‘load’ on the lastest firmware from the ‘Library Files' box [4]

  1. Once the firmware has been loaded into the Glamox Dongle, click ‘Use’ [5]. To verify the firmware has been loaded, the Bluetooth icon will turn grey in the top left corner and the new firmware version will be displayed underneath.

  1. Click ‘Close’ and click on the Bluetooth icon again to check if the Dongle has reconnected and displays the loaded firmware.

If the Dongle does not reconnect immediately, please wait a short while for the Dongle to reboot.

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