2. Setting up the tablet

2. Setting up the tablet

LiteIP is a company that developed our Glamox Wireless Radio system.

To start using the Tablet App you have to set up your tablet.

Step by step instructions

  1. After receiving the email confirming that the LiteIP Account has been created, open the Tablet App - LiteIP Control. Make sure all the tablet settings are set corrrectly Commissioning App does not respond after installing

2. You’ll see a splash screen that will ask for some information. For the first box, select Login with Google.

3. Choose your Google Account.

4. For the second box, select Enter Account Name.

5. Enter your Google / LiteIP Account email address – make sure there are no spaces.

6. For the third box, click New Postcode - Project reference.

7. Enter the Site ID (Project reference) that you sent when creating the Accounts in the previous step “Downloading the App” and select Validate. This will check the existing projects server database to see if there are any duplicates. Once checked, select Register to add the postcode (Project reference) to the server. Then, select Download to download the postcode (Project reference).

The white box on the right side indicates all the projects you currently have downloaded on the tablet. For a new user, this will display as N0T 5ET.

If you want to choose an existing postcode from the white box, enter this postcode into the grey popup box, select Register and then Download.

8. You should then be able to select the “Go” button on the right of the screen.

9. On the Tablet App, to get to the Login page, select the Project reference (in this example P04_9PA) on the Luminaires page.

10. Now enter the missing details to connect to the LiteIP server and select Connect to LiteIP.

  • Username – Google / LiteIP Account

  • Google – Google Account linked to the tablet

If the user has access to multiple existing projects, they will now show up in the Server list.

If two physical tablets try to use the same Google Account, then only the first one to connect to the Server will be able to connect. If you cannot login from a tablet, the most likely cause is that the Google Account has been used on another tablet. If you continue to use a tablet in this way it will lead to synchronisation problems and loss of data. If you have two tablets and wish to use them both with the Tablet App then you must have two licenced Google Accounts, one for each tablet.

App language


The next step:

If you are going to use central monitoring, create a Dashboard Account

If not, skip to Importing & Creating drawings


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