4. Connecting a DONGLE or DONGLE BLE

4. Connecting a DONGLE or DONGLE BLE

Componentsused in this article:

This article is divided into two sections, depending on the type of DONGLE you have. Please follow the specific connecting instructions:

Step by step instructions for LMS WIRELESS DONGLE

  1. To connect a DONGLE to the tablet select the Bluetooth Icon [1] and select 'LiteIPMate' from the drop down menu [2].

  1. The app will start scanning for the nearest DONGLEs and will display them in a list [3]. This may take up to a minute.

  1. Look on the back of the DONGLE to find the matching MAC address and click ‘Connect’ on the correct DONGLE in the app list [4].

  1. Once the DONGLE has connected, the Bluetooth icon will change from Grey to Blue.

If the DONGLE doesn't connect:

  • Check DONGLE is On and Awake (Green LED is On or Flashing).

  • Check Mac address (beside Bluetooth icon on Tablet) matches DONGLE.

The Mac address of the DONGLE on the label on the back of the device.

IF MAC address starts with 10:**:**:**:**, THEN first two characters are 60:8A


IF MAC address starts with 66:**:**:**:**, THEN first two characters are 00:06

Step by step instructions for LMS WIRELESS BLE DONGLE


The DONGLE BLE is a device that you might be needing to update the WR-G4 devices like CPW2-SEN, CPW-SEN and some controllers to software version 6.8.135+ used with the LMS Kinetic Switch.

Connecting the LMS DONGLE BLE is a little different to connecting the regular DONGLE.

Before using this device make sure that there are no new updates of Tablet App waiting for you in the App store. Without newest software this component will not work.

  1. Turn on the BLE Glamox DONGLE using the black switch on the side of the device. You can pair with only one BLE DONGLE at a time, so make sure, that only one BLE DONGLE is turned on.

  2. Click the Bluetooth icon and select 'GlamoxDongle' from the drop down menu [1], this will start the process of pairing the BLE DONGLE with the commissioning App.

  1. Once the BLE DONGLE is connected, the Bluetooth icon will trun from GREY to BLUE and a pop-up message will dislpay you have successfully connected.

The next step: Identifying luminaires (on-site)

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