Setting up a new site
All registered users can create a site in Glamox Connect. Create your site, adopt your equipment to the site and start remote monitoring your installation.
Create a new site
To create a new site, go to the Glamox Connect home page by clicking on the logo or by visiting . In the left menu, at the top, you will find a button to Create new site
After clicking the button, you will be taken through a step process to provide information about your site. Information needed contains for example a site name, owner organization (for invoicing), address, location, size, timezone and more.
Click Create site on last step to create your site.
The user creating the site will be set to site owner by default.
Selecting systems
Next you will need to go to Settings - Site - Site setup to set up your components with Glamox Connect.
First you need to set up the local systems you want to integrate. Select the system(s) you have installed and want to integrate and click Connect
Adopt access point
The next step is to adopt access point to your site. This is done by entering information found on your access point; The last 4 digits of the mac address (1) and the 5 digit serial number (2) (found on the front of the access point).
After entering the information, click Adopt.
Glamox Connect will then start the deployment process, adding the access point to your site. This includes adding security certificates and more. This process could take up to 15 minutes. When this process is done, you will be able to start adopting gateways.
Adopt gateways
When the access point is back online, you can start adopting gateways from your local setup. If your network has multicast enabled, the access point will discover gateways and list the possible gateways for you to adopt. If this is not the case you can adopt gateways manually, by entering necessary information like ip address, mac address and more.
First, select the access point you want to connect the gateways to. Then you can proceed to click Adopt next to the gateway(s) you want to adopt, or click Adopt gateway manually
When you are done adding gateways to the access point, press Reload configuration in the next step. Not pressing reload will cause the gateways to be displayed as faults.
Discover devices
The last step you need to do is to discover devices. Glamox Connect will then create devices in Connect for all your local devices.
Please note that commissioning of the local systems should be done prior to starting this process. If not properly commissioned, Glamox Connect will not be able to discover your devices (i.e. no short address, not connected to gateway ++)
It is also highly recommended to make notes during commissioning of the local system, i.e. on the location of each device. This will save you a lot of time commissioning in Glamox Connect when placing luminaires on floorplan.
Just choose which system you want to discover devices from, select gateway (and lines if applicable and desired) and press Run. Connect will then request list of devices and listen for changes from your local installation. The progress and number of devices will be listed.
When you are done adding devices, press Reload configuration in the next step