Emergency light setup

Emergency light setup

Emergency settings

Final setup for your site is to set up your emergency light monitoring under Settings → Emergency lights.
Here you can group your emergency lights, set a test schedule for the groups as well scheduling reports to be sent on email.

Note: Only set the emergency groups and emergency schedule if you want to use Glamox Connect for emergency scheduling. If you use an other system for this, please skip these steps. Glamox Connect will still monitor the emergency devices and report it.


If you have not started setting up you emergency installation you can choose to let Glamox Connect do this for you. If you select this option you will still get the chance to see the schedule and do adjustments.


Test groups

In Glamox Connect you can organize you emergency devices in groups and see the groups in your floorplan(s). It is recommended that you organize the groups illogical in terms of physical location. This to avoid multiple devices in same location to be empty of battery after a duration test.

To generate initial group assignment for your emergency devices, press Generate at Settings → Emergency lights → Test groups. You will be taken through a step-by-step process to create groups, assign devices to the groups and finally set a schedule for each scene


First select the desired number of groups. Keep in mind that you want to spread the tests out so that you minimize the number of devices tested at the same time

In the next step you will assign emergency devices to test group. Devices in the same group will have the same schedule.


You have three help functions to assist you in assigning devices to groups:

  • Assign unassigned devices: Will assign all unassigned devices to groups randomly

  • Reassign all devices sequentially: ALL devices will be assigned to group by local address pattern

    • Example: For Ethernet2Dali the system will loop through gateway - line - address in ascending order. First address to group 1, second to group 2.. until line is finished. Then the same on next line until it moves to next gateway when all devices are assigned.

  • Reassign all devices randomly: All devices will randomly be assigned to groups keeping the group sizes as uniform as possible

You can drag and drop the devices between the groups to create the best grouping for your installation. You can also use a helping function for initial assignment and then adjust it by drag and drop.

You can view the groups in the floorplan by clicking on Floorplan

Test scheduling

After setting up the emergency groups, you can schedule when the emergency tests for the grouped devices should run. In the last step you can choose the intervals for functional and duration tests, as well a start time for the schedule.

You must set a start date for the schedule. The schedule will be created with this date as first possible date.
Example: You have a test set for the 1st in every month. If you set the start date as 02.01.20xx, the first execution of that will be 01.02.20xx


After setting schedule you will also get a help text writing out how the schedule is interpreted. This will also include the next execution of the test.

Remember to save the emergency setup when you are happy

How tests are run

Depending on the system Connect will take care of the test executions. In case of gateways with logic controller (like Ethernet2Dali), the test schedule will be synced to the gateway. The execution of the test will then be performed by the gateway

For systems with gateways without logic (like DALI Complete), the Glamox Connect access point will execute the tests.

All test executions are performed locally. The tests will run also if internet connection is lost as long as the initial sync from Glamox Connect has been done.

Scheduled reports

To schedule reports for your site, go to Settings → Emergency lights → Reports, add recipients and set a schedule. A condensed report with information for your site will be sent on email.


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