(Classic) How to remove a single luminaire?

This documentation applies to the E2D system using VERTEX 2 & 3 with CLASSIC UI and software versions up to 3.1.29. If you have VERTEX 3 with software version 3.1.30 or higher, go to Glamox Ethernet2DALI

(Classic) How to remove a single luminaire?

After you manually removed a faulty luminaire on-site, you would notice that in the Vertex GUI this luminaire will be in no communication state. Fix this using Remove luminaire command in Devices/Groups>Settings.


  1. Go to the Devices/Groups section.

  2. Go to Settings>All devices.

  3. Select the checkbox for the faulty luminaire.


  4. Scroll down to the options panel and select Remove luminaire.


  5. Make sure that the luminaire with the given serial number is no longer on-site. Click Run and Confirm.

6. The luminaire won’t be displayed in the Vertex GUI.


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