(Classic) How to resolve the "DALI noise detected" problem

This documentation applies to the E2D system using VERTEX 2 & 3 with CLASSIC UI and software versions up to 3.1.29. If you have VERTEX 3 with software version 3.1.30 or higher, go to Glamox Ethernet2DALI

(Classic) How to resolve the "DALI noise detected" problem

The DALI noise detected notification appears in the GUI when DALI transmission frames are incorrect or modified by faulty device. It can lead to misbehaviour of the system. For example, sent commands might not be correctly interpreted. In worst case, the whole communication with device could be disrupted.

Possible causes and solutions

  • Wire connection quality and DALI bus length

Poorly chosen DALI wire connections may contribute to lower transmission quality - noise and other electrical errors.

Check that the DALI cable connections comply with the documentation.

  • Incompatible end device

Unqualified devices (power supplies, sensors, buttons) that are not offered and supported by Glamox may not meet demands of the system.

Make sure you use compatible end devices.

  • End device malfunction

Sometimes electronic components, such as coils in faulty power supplies, may affect other components responsible for DALI communication.

Replace the device.

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