E2D - wrong CUID or IP

E2D - wrong CUID or IP

This article is dedicated to a problem found while using Glamox Connect with Ethernet2DALI. A wrong CUID or IP can occur when:

  • Vertex is replaced and a new CUID was created.

  • The CUID on site does not match the one in the cloud.

To see if this problem occurs and to solve this check and change the CUID in CONNECT if needed using the instrucion below.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Start a remote session to the site in SLS

  2. Add the /netconfig suffix [1] to remote session url and run search. Click on a Vertex to find the CUID [2].

  1. In a new window open Glamox CONECT, all devices tab [3]. Find all Vertexes in the system, you can do this by adding the type filter [4]: Access point/Gateway and the System filter [5]: Ethernet2DALI.

  2. Using the MAC adress to identify all Vertexes confirm that all devices have the same CUID. To view CUID in Connect go to the details page [6].

  1. When you find an inconsistency change the CUID in Connect click edit [7]. enter the new CUID taken from SLS netconfig. Make sure to save changes.

  1. Enter the new CUID taken from SLS netconfig [8]. Make sure to save changes [9].



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