User registration
There are two ways of getting access to Glamox Connect, self registration or by invitation. To get access to a site you will either need to setup your own site and adopt components, or get invitation by a site administrator.
User registration
Everyone can self register at When not logged in you will presented with three options; to log in or, create a new user or to reset password.
1. Log in
Fill in username and password and click Login
2. Register user
To register, click on Don't have an account? Sign Up!, fill out the registration form and click Register.
3. Forgot password?
If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot password?, enter your username and click Get password reset code. A reset code will be sent to the email address registered to your user.
Click on password reset page, enter the reset code received in email as well as a new password for your account. Click Update password
User invitation
As an administrator of a site, you can also invite users to your site by going to Settings → Site → User management
To invite more users, click on Invite, enter the email address for the new user and click on Invite. The user will receive a email message with invitation to register for Glamox Connect and a link. After registration, the new user will automatically receive access to the site (as long as invitation is not deleted).
If the user is already existing in Glamox Connect, the user will be given access to the site immediately.
By clicking the three dots next to a user in the list, you will be able to either Change role for the user or to Remove the user from the site. Removing a user will immediately revoke the site access.
You will not be able to remove or change the role of the site owner.