This documentation applies to the E2D system using VERTEX 2 & 3 with CLASSIC UI and software versions up to 3.1.29. If you have VERTEX 3 with software version 3.1.30 or higher, go to Glamox Ethernet2DALI |
(Classic) Linking groups/clusters - flow remarks
It is good step to get know with this article first (Classic) Vertex group & Vertex cluster if you are not familiar with it - these articles are connected.
Sometimes may exist the necessity of connecting two different Vertex groups or two different clusters with two different flows into one system. When the common CUID has been set for both groups, it is essential to copy all flow from one system and to paste it to a second as next tab. Simple example shown below:
First and Second groups are two different systems. On site firstly was commissioned primary lightning system consisted of switching and dimming (Switch flow) . HCl’s control was commissioned later on second Vertex (HCL flow). Now, there is need to link groups into one common system. It is important to copy flow from one of old systems to new (new means two common now). You can do it by exporting flow and importing it as a new tab:
and move it into one tab (this is not obligatory, but estetic if you have small flow)
Now there are two flows linked into one flow in one cluster for two Vertexes.