VX scenario Node - Beta test

VX scenario Node - Beta test

The VX scenario node is a multifunctional adjastable node in beta testing. You can select up to 5 groups to be controlled simultaneously, and each group/sensor/button can only be used once in a VX scenario node.

This node is not backward compatible!

Now you can create a profile of a Scenario node. This will allow you to use previously made profiles on new nodes.

As always, you need to set a name for the node and choose whether to create a new profile or use an existing one. To edit the profile, click the edit icon. Then, choose a target to which the node will send control commands. To edit the profile click the edit icon.

Device settings, where you select the control device, will appear after you have selected or configured a profile.


Device settings, where you select the control device, will appear after you have selected or configured a profile.


To edit the profile click the edit icon.

There are three functions which can be used in this nodes profile:

  • MS - Motion Sensor,

  • CP - Control Panel,

  • LS - Light Sensor.

They can be used in the following configurations:

  • one mode - MS or CP,

  • two modes - MS+CP, MS+LS, CP+LS,

  • three modes - MS+CP+LS.

The Light sensor node can’t be used on its' own.

In the next sections of this article we will show you what a flow with this node will look like, talk about each of the modes and how to set them up.

Import the ready made flow using the instructions here: Importing a Node-RED flow or create a flow using the nodes shown below.

[{"id":"2ebbc1ec.19bcfe","type":"tab","label":"Flow 9","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"2a12a1b4.615efe","type":"VX scenario MS+CP+LS","z":"2ebbc1ec.19bcfe","version":3,"name":"","profile":"","out_target":[],"in_lightsensor":null,"in_sensors":[],"in_panels":[],"ls_target":"500","ls_tolerance":"50","ls_gain_p":"0.005","ls_gain_i":"0.033","ls_gain_d":"0","x":530,"y":360,"wires":[["2f66beed.33a072"],[]]},{"id":"2f66beed.33a072","type":"vertex cluster","z":"2ebbc1ec.19bcfe","rate":90,"x":750,"y":360,"wires":[]}]

Motion sensor settings

When selecting the MS mode these are the settings that will appear.

  • Target settings - select up to five groups you want to control [1].

  • Triggers settings - select motion sensors [2] that will be triggering selected groups.

  • Motion sensor settings.
    Choose the scenes you want to be called in ON/STANDBY/OFF scenarios [3]. Here you can select groups you have made in the MUI Creating lighting scenes.
    Set the hold, standby and dead times [4].


Control panel settings

When selecting the CP mode these are the settings that will appear.

  • Target settings - select up to five groups you want to control [5].

  • Triggers settings - select control panels [6].

  • Panel Settings let you choose a preset button scheme and decide on whether or not you want visual feedback [7] (available only when pushbuttons have LEDs).
    Choose the control panel type (4B - for buttons etc.) and basic function (direct - direct value etc.).
    To check and edit the preset settings click the arrow and choose JSON [8]. Now you can change the parameters value if needed.

Light sensor settings

Light sensor settings are an additional option you can choose alongside MS, CP, or both, but they will not work alone. Settings for Light sensor are split. You will see one part in the profile settings and one in node settings.

Under the Motion sensor settings you will find the Light Sensor Settings. You can choose only one of the modes at a time.

The first mode you can use is the Twighlight sensor. When the light sensor detects a light level below this target the light will switch on. The only thing that is needed to be set is a target value - this is set in node settings.



The second mode is the Daylight harvesting mode. It’s a mode that adjusts lighting in real time to match the set target value.

The Min. and Max. value of light, this means that e.g. lights in some rooms might not turn off.




After updating the nodes profile you can set the target, tolerance and PID settings which will apear under device settings. These settings will be seperate for all nodes since no two rooms are the same and all will need custom settings.

The tolerance setting allows for the system to be less reactive to small, quick changes in the enviorment and provide a nicer experience.

Please be aware that the intensity setting within the Daylight Harvesting function may not necessarily align with the actual brightness on, for instance, a desk. To ensure accuracy, it's recommended to use a lux meter to measure the brightness intensity on the surface.

Use this calculator to determine the proper Daylight harvesting values and Tolerance. The rest of the values are calculated for the advanced settings in this node.

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