(Classic) Action priorities

This documentation applies to the E2D system using VERTEX 2 & 3 with CLASSIC UI and software versions up to 3.1.29. If you have VERTEX 3 with software version 3.1.30 or higher, go to Glamox Ethernet2DALI

(Classic) Action priorities

Each action triggered within the Etheret2DALI system (button push, detecting the presence) has its individual default priority. It is the value between 0 and 255. The priority of the triggered action is compared to the priority of the previous action. If it is lower then the vertex controller can’t do the desired action. If the priority of the current action is greater or equal to the previous one then this action can be done.


The action coming from the push-button has a priority equal to 2. Previously to push-button, there was another action that had a priority equal also to 2. The priorities are equal, so push-button action can be done.


The priorities have values from 0 to 255, but values from 245 to 255 have a special function. After performing these actions, the priority is then reset according to the formula:


PN - the priority saved after the action had been performed
PP - the previous priority of the action,
PA - the current priority of the action


For a better understanding, look at the table below:

The behavior of priorities in the E2D system

In the E2D system, we have a set of default priorities for typical actions. They are listed in the table below:

Default priorities for actions in the E2D system


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