Downloading Emergency Statuses using the Tablet

Downloading Emergency Statuses using the Tablet

You can use your tablet and DONGLE to check the status of your self-test or DALI emergency luminaires. This should be done once per month if you have an offline system (no ACCESS POINTs) to ensure faults are checked and corrected.

Make sure you have downloaded the latest Site ID data from the server before performing the following process. Failure to do so may cause for old Site data to be uploaded by accident, which is non-reversible.

Self-Test Emergencies

Green LED (in accordance with the Emergency Lighting Standard BS/EN 5266 and the Emergency Lighting Automated Testing Standard BS/EN 62034):

  • a functional test has run and passed in the last 28 days

  • an automatic three hour duration test has run and passed in the last 12 months

Flashing Red LED - durational test failed e.g. LEDs does not drive at the correct power for 3 hours+. If a test if failed and you fix the fault e.g. change the battery, the luminaire will do a 3 hour duration test 24 hours later to check that everything is ok.

Different emergency modules have different flash codes and specific indicator LED statuses. Compatibility should be checked with Glamox.

Using the tablet to check emergency status

  1. Make sure your Glamox Dongle is connected and you are standing in the area of the emergency lighting.

  2. In Cloud Control [1], make sure ‘Write Access’, ‘Master' and 'Uploading’ is selected [2].

  1. Select the drawing you wish to scan the emergency data for [3].

  2. Click on the Emergency tab [4].



  1. Click ‘Scan’ [5].
    All unscanned devices will appear with a blue circle around the device icons. Once the Glamox Dongle has been able to talk to all devices within range, a message will say 'Scanning in this area is complete'.

All non-emergency luminaires will be greyed out.

  1. Repeat this process until all luminaires on the drawing has been scanned.

  2. Once you have updated all emergency luminaires in that area, move to the next drawing and repeat the process.

Uploading the newly scanned emergency statueses

  1. Go back to the ‘Luminaires’ page.

  2. Open Cloud Control (making sure you still have Write Access, Master and Uploading still selected)

  3. Long click on ‘Re-Sync’.

  1. Click ‘Yes’ to override the current server data [6].

  1. Click ‘Re-Sync’ again.

Once you have sync’d the Site data with the server, please contact lms.support@glamox.com to manually accept the new emergnecy data change.

  1. All changes will now be displayed on the Emergnecy Lighting Report the next time you log into the Dashboard for that particular site.

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