Creating luminaires register map for ModBus integration

This article will guide you step-by-step on how to create the luminaires registers map.

In order to have more insight on this matter and determine which registers are crucial for your implementation, please read the reference article: Luminaires registers map (table)

  1. Go to http://VERTEX_IP:1880/vertex/devices

  1. Select and copy the contents using ctrl+a and ctrl+c shortcuts.

  2. Convert the data from JSON to CSV. To do that paste selected data to “Enter or paste here field“ then click Convert JSON to CSV button [1] (you can use JSON To CSV online converter).

  1. Open the downloaded file in MS Excel and create a new Excel sheet for clarity.

  2. Copy and paste the following columns onto the new sheet:

  • Device UID

  • Device Name

  • ShortAddress

  • DaliPort

  • Vertex UID

  1. Create a table and expand cells with to fit you data row (for a better view).

  1. Click on the DeviceType drop-down list [2] and uncheck the DALI 2 device filter box. [3]

  1. Create new columns for the first and last register number of each luminaire.

In order to calculate the luminaire’s start register number, use this formula in any new column (Reg. Start)

400+DALI short address*50+(DALI port)*64*50

Add another column. The second column (Reg. Stop) is greater than the first column by 49.

Each luminaire data is stored in 50 registers (first 20 - data, 30 reserved for later use).

The Vertex controller IP address must be added manually in the table. If you use multiple Vertex controllers, use its UID to quickly find the right IP address.