

WR-G4 CPW2-SEN sensor is a combined PIR and Daylight harvesting sensor for our Wireless Central monitoring system. This sensor connects the luminaire to our advanced Wireless Radio system where large installations can be monitored. It comes in many versions which provide the user with a wide range of mounting possiblities.

CPW2-SEN Mounted in 60x22mm cut out.
CPW2-SEN Clean sensor casing.


CPW2-SEN Designed for “tunnel” mounting.


Product features:

  • White or black polycarbonate housing.

  • Both the sensor head and a communication node is built in to the same housing.

  • Uses a Micronode sensor together with a D4i LED driver.

Detection angle is 62 degrees, this image shows the sensor range presented in meters.

Detection angle

How to use the device with the commissioning app?

Sensor commissioning

Daylight Linking/Harvesting



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