Once all luminaires are identified and placed onto the relevant drawings, the next stage is to create profiles. Profiles are sets of parameters or settings defining the behaviour of devices.
Step by step instructions
Creating new profile
Click Profiles [1].
Create a new profile by clicking on the profile list drop down box [2].
Click NEW PROFILE [3] this will create a copy of the pre-selected profile. We recomend doing this from profile 101- DALI+PIR or other profile that suits your needs.
To change the naming of the profile, click Rename [4].
If you want, you can chenge the icon of each profile so it’s easier to identify devices with it on drawings.
In this section you will be setting the components of the device in the Components [5] view of this tab, follow the sections below to set all components in place.
Selecting the luminaire type
Click the LiteIP box. Select which device you have in the luminaire [6]:
LuminaireController - Use for G4, D4i, G3 Slimline and G3 230v Controller devices (with or without PIRs).
Microwave - Use for all Wireless Radio CMW sensors.
SceneController - Use with simulated, 230v and battetry operated scene controllers.
E3Monitor - Use for G2-E3M emergency only devices.
Click Save Changes [7].
Selecting the LED driver type
Click on the Driver box, and select the one of the options from the drop down list [8].
Fixed Output - will not be dimmable will switch on/off only
DALI or 1-10v - will allow the more advanced options to be applied
Click Save Changes [9].
Setting profile parameters
Select the required settings for this profile in the Graph view [13]:
OnLevel - the maximum on level of the luminaire
FadeTime - the length of time the fitting will take to fade to Standby Level
StandbyLevel - the level of the luminaire once it is dimmed
StandbyTime - the length of time the luminaire remains at the Standby Level (127.5 = never off)
PowerOn - enter the wattage of the luminaire at full output
DayNightEnabled - See Application Note - Building Occupied & Unoccupied Mode
Applying Profiles
Once you have created your profiles, they can be applied to Wireless Radio devices.
Open the Luminaires tab [14] and go to Configure [15].
Select an individual device or group of devices by swiping your finger across a group of devices.
Click Profile [16] and select the new profile from the drop down list.
Ensure all the fittings are blue and Synced - using the Sync button [17] or tapping the individual device.
Repeat the process for all devices.
Each profile will have in brackets the number of devices assigned to that profile. The 100 - Default profile will have additionaly the number of drawings you have created.
If you make changes to profiles you must ensure that all changes have been synced.
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