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Necessary components



1.1. Click 'Profiles' and 'Component' view [1].

1.2. Create a Profile for a Scene Controller.

1.3. Make sure SceneController type is selected [2].

1.4. Make sure the PowerOn level in ‘Driver’ settings is at least 1W [3].

1.5. Click ‘Save Changes’.


1.7. Simulate a Device (by clicking in the empty Find Column [4] under the Find then drag the orange (simulated) device onto the drawing in an appropriate location.


1.8. Click 'Configure' and change the profile of the device to the Scene Controller profile you have created above [5].


2. Creating links from the Scene Controller to other devices:


2.3. drawing lines one at a time from the scene controller to the luminaire controller [6] OR,

2.4. highlight a group of devices to be controlled, then click “Link From X” [7] and enter the FULL serial number of the Scene Controller.


3. Commissioning scene controller buttons:

3.1. Select 'Scenes' [8] from the main menu at the top of the screen and select the scene controller on the drawing [9].



If this displays a set of buttons only, as below, then close this view by clicking 'Edit' and enter the admin pin (0000 by default).

3.2. By default, the scenes are preset with the following parameters [10]:

Scene 1


100% lamp level

Scene 2

On Levels

Masks the Profile(s) OnLevel

Scene 3

Standby Levels

Masks the Profile(s) Standby Level

Scene 4


1% lamp level

Scene 5


100% lamp level with 0 second delay

Scene 6


0% lamp level


RED icons - Unsync'd Kinetic switch


3.3. To change the default profile names, long click on the scene name [11] and click save. To change the lamp on levels for each linked profile, click on the lamp % box [12] and click save.


3.4. If you need to remove linked profiles from a particular scene, select ‘Custom’ from the ‘Profiles’ drop down menu [13] and the profiles list will then be editable [14]


3.5. If you want to view the additonal scene buttons (7,8,9,10), change the scene delay or untick ’synchronised profiles' [15], then tap on the 'Scenes' navigation button [16] again to show these advanced features.


4.2. Select a Scene (1-6) and click 'Test' [17].


4.3. Repeat for each scene and adjust levels as required.


5.2. If you know the full serial number of the physical device then Change the Serial number from the Simulated 4 digit serial to the real number by Long Clicking the serial number [18] and entering the full 6+ digit number.


5.8. All scenes will be red (unsycned), click ‘Sync’ [19] to sync all scene settings with the physical device. All scenes should turn blue once completed.
