When installing an ACCESS POINT make sure that it is located in range of at least 20 lumianires in a 75m radius, preferbaly in the center of the luminaires and not in enclosed areas. It can connect to up to a 1000 lumianires , but only if they are located in up to 7 signal using ”hops”. Reliability reduces of signal is though reduced with the number of hops.
Locations it is good to avoid when placing an ACCESS POINT in the system are storage areas, factory floor settings, corner areas of a building. Depending on building characteristics like concrete, steel, machinery or thick walls will impact the quantity of luminaires which report to an individual ACCESS POINT, in those cases you might need a bigger amout of ACCESS POINTs in your system to cover all areas. Lights can report to more than one ACCESS POINT. If you require additional coverage more ACCESS POINTs can be added at anytime and no additional commissioning will be required.