8. Backup

8. Backup

It is important that the commissioning tablet is Uploaded to the cloud for several reasons:

  • Unless the Project is uploaded to the cloud, no information will be available on the internet Dashboard.

  • Unless the Project is uploaded to the cloud, the ACCESS POINTs (if installed) will not be able to upload information to the Cloud.

  • If the project is uploaded to the Cloud then it will be available for other authorised tablet users to download and potentially take control of.

  • If you lose or break your tablet, having a backup in the Cloud will allow you to restore the project onto a new tablet.

Step by step instructions

  1. Ensure the tablet is connected to a stable internet connection.

  2. Select the blue Wi-Fi symbol [1] then the Cloud Control box will appear.

  3. Ensure that Read Access [2], Write Access [3], Master [4] and Uploading [5] are ticked.

  4. Click Re-sync [6].


For more detailed information see Cloud Synchronisation


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