3D Editor

3D Editor


This is the 3D Editor rendering setup, which controls the rendering mode and level of detail used in the editor window.


Below is a set of images showing how the different values/settings modify the visualization:

Standard presentation modes


Transparent wireframe


Rendered surface model

Surface model / wireframe

Number of ISO lines


Normal tolerance

Count = 10

Count = 30

Tolerance = 50

Tolerance = 10

Gamma correction


Without gamma correction

With gamma correction



These settings are related to visual aids for easier maneuvering in 3 dimensions.


The world axis setting shows an orientation axis in the lower left corner, with a custom set of labels.


“Display detailed luminaire definitions” requires the presence of a 3D luminaire representation stored in the database.

This option is disabled by default, since these models can be quite complex and degrade performance. Details can be enabled manually from the editor at any time.


By enabling "full update on objects during move", all objects will be fully updated during interactive manipulation.

If this option is disabled, only grip points will be moved until the mouse button is released. Disable this if you experience performance trouble during object interaction.


"Point selection area" is the size of the mouse pointer used when selecting objects. The default value of 7 means a 14x14 area around the mouse cursor will be selected.

Tip: If you are working with large rooms and/or small objects this value can be reduced to allow more precise selection.


“Display surface on selected objects“

“Show cross at mouse pointer position“

“Show all objects in combined display mode“

“Use I0 as standard target line“ changes the default target line for luminaires to be relative to the physical geometry instead of the center of the light distribution (Imax)



Color Background

Background color for the 3D window.

Background color (calc)

Background color while displaying calculated result.

Color selected object

Selected objects will be shown in this color.

Color lines

The default line color (axis, alignment lines).

Color Axes

X, Y, Z axis colors.

Insertion point

Grip point colors (selected object).

Corner handle

Center handle

Above active handle

Grip point colors (while interacting).

Move active handle

Note: These colors apply to the user interface. To change the colors of the objects in the 3D editor, use the “Drawings” tab.


This is the default setup for background (2D/3D background model) and object transparency.

Moving the sliders to the left makes the background/objects less visible.

Note: Calculation planes with no calculation results will always have a certain amount of transparency.


Calculation planes

This is the default presentation for calculation planes, with separate settings for regular planes and the room calculation plane:


These settings will be applied automatically when opening a calculated room or performing a calculation.

Note: changes to the option "Create filled curves" require the room to be recalculated/reopened to see the difference.

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