Password reset

Password reset

This function is only available through your Superuser LMS Support. Contact lms.support@glamox.com

If you have forgotten your password, your Superuser or LMS Support can reset your password. For this to work your site doesn’t need access to internet, but will need someone on site to enter the MUI tab.

For this to work correctly you will need to be in constant contact with your Superuser or LMS Support for a few minutes while you have access to the site.

Step by step instruction

  1. Open the VERTEX IP in the browser and add the /service ending:

  2. From this service screen you copy your session code and send it to your Superuser or LMS Support.


  1. They will respond with a code from cloud that you need to enter in your UI.

  2. Now the Superuser or LMS Support has logged in with their credentials and you will be able to restet your password in the User page.


The Service account will only work for the time of your session. The preset time of a session is 15 minutes.


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