

Release information

Device name


Release date

Q4 2020


This is the first 2.X.X firmware that no longer needs to be stored in the smartphone memory but is available in-app (Glamox Wireless ZigBee 1.10 and later). Updating firmware from 1.X.X to 2.X.X requires switches to be recommissioned.

2.X.XX firmware for ZIGBEE SENSOR works together only with the 1.10 Glamox Wireless ZigBee App version.



  • Large networks - the possibility to create groups with up to 120 devices each was done.

  • The sensor operation before commissioning was set to daylight control and motion detection by default.

  • Speed improvements for grouping of lights and switch commissioning were done.

  • Availability of D4I driver data in the Zigbee interface was added.

  • The possibility of custom product naming in the app was added.


  • The problem with unpredictable light behaviour, while using a gateway with an automation profile and the “Circadian rhythm” option switched off, was solved.

  • The problem of removing individual lights from daylight areas, which was previously impossible, was solved.

Firmware 2.X.X devices are not compatible with Firmware 1.X.X devices.

The update from 1.X.X to 2.X.X will be possible with the future app update.

A downgrade from firmware 2.X.X to 1.X.X is not possible.

Software download

Will be built into the app


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