3a. Adding luminaires to the group: Flashlight

3a. Adding luminaires to the group: Flashlight

Detect and add the luminaires (lights) to a group by lighting them with a torch. If you don't have a torch, use classic identification by blinking as an alternative.

You have to add lights before adding switches.

The term “lights” refers to a luminaire with built in wireless sensor or wireless driver.

The luminaires should be powered up.

Lights that are added in a group are considered claimed devices and therefore, not available for other groups, projects or users anymore.

The Bluetooth of your smartphone needs to be activated. In case Bluetooth is disabled, Wireless ZigBee app will prompt for activation, which the user needs to confirm.


  1. Select one of the groups.

2. Select “+”.

3. Select LIGHTS.

4. The app starts searching for devices within range of your mobile.

5. After some seconds this screen will appear.

6. Direct the light of a torch to the sensor to add it to the group. The smartphone responds with a sound and a brief vibration. Wait for 2 beeps, after which a luminaire will show up in the Added menu. Wait for another 3 seconds before proceeding to the next luminaire. If the sensor does not respond, try adjusting the torch trigger sensitivity.

Use a torch with a well-defined light cone and point to the sensor from 3 - 5 cm distance only to cause a steep light increase.

Typically illuminance of the sensor should increase by ≥5000 lx suddenly.

In case a luminaire (not in the scan list) is torched, then a re-scan is required to be done.

7. In the app, the selected light shows up with its Bluetooth address.



The next step: Adding switches (panels)


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