Under Emergency you can monitor your emergency installation. You get a quick overview of the state of your installation, upcoming tests (if scheduled in Glamox Connect) as well as emergency reports.

Test and maintenance

Test and maintenance can be found in Emergency tab [1] at main menu


Test and maintenance will show you the current status of your installation, the number of emergency devices in your installation and the time of last update from the installation. If you have any faults you can press See more [2] to go to the Issue handler to see the details of your fault(s) and handle the faults.



To generate a report, choose a time interval you want the report to cover [3] and press Generate [4]. Pending on the length of the time interval the system needs some time to generate the report and present it.


The report is split into three sections:

The report can also be printed by using the Print [5] button.


Upcoming tests

The group test scheduler will show the nearest upcoming tests per group. Press See more [6] to see a more complete list of all groups.



Upcoming tests are only listed if it is scheduled through Glamox Connect. You can do this in Settings.