Hello and welcome to this WR Dashboard overview article. Here you will learn what and where you can find using the dashboard. We will focus on the features you have as an administrator of a site.
Before reading this article we recomend going to Wireless Radio Dashboard Account and /wiki/spaces/WR/pages/1902182436
After logging in to the WR dashboard you will see your site. If you have more then one site choose the site you want to monitor and operate on. You can find all your sites on the map.
As you can see the dashboard menu has tabs like site info, site peports etc. more information about what you can find there you will find below.
Site information is a section that allows you to checking and modifying information and data about your system.
Each tab has a different functionality.
Dashboard - a general tab with acumulated information about devices in the system.
Drawings - here you will get a sneek peek of all the drawings you added/created using the tablet.
Devices - a list of all devices in your system with a set of additional information, you can also delete a device from the system on this level.
Profiles - a list of profiles you created using the tablet with additional information.
Users - a list of users that have access to your site with information about their persmisions.
Collators - a list of all WR Access points.
Devices Test Data - used only by development
Site Information - here you will find all information about you site, including your site ID, ste address, site responsible etc.
Site Settings - here you can change the site information.
Light Scheduler - this functionality allows for creating schedules using light scenes.
Collator Coverage - here you can check if all your devices are close enough to Access Points.
Site reports allows you to create and view reports, also to create scheduled reports that are sent by email.
Heatmap - creats a map showing how much traffic there was in a room (how often sensors where troggered).
Emergency Lighting Report - creates a report of emergency lights sorted by drawings.
Driver Status Report - creates a report of LED drivers in the system sorted by drawings.
EMG Dashboard - a general tab with acumulated information about emergency devices in the system.
Report History - allows to check history of previous reports.
Report Scheduler - allows to create a schedule to send reports by email.
Graphs - allows to check other sensor history (temperature, Co2 etc.).
Energy Graph - creates a grapgh of used kW/Hr when the site is occupied.
Annual Energy Report - creates an estimated annual energy cost.
This section is about permissions. You can manage (create and view) customer groups, sites, and users and grant access to sites.
In the others tab you can check if your languaga will be available on the tablet and manage your passwords.