The getting started with Node-RED section is here: Programing logic (Node-Red) |
Import the ready made flow using the instructions here: Importing a Node-RED flow or follow the instructions below. |
[{"id":"4d2f6834.ba9808","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"ac6d77c.9c0a388","type":"dali2devs","z":"4d2f6834.ba9808","name":"","uid":"0022518508153C283A","dali2dev":"0","devStatus":2,"instanceType":1,"dali2t1":90,"dali2t2":"","instanceData":{"InstanceStatusFlags":2,"InstanceType":1,"Resolution":1,"InstanceError":false,"InstanceActive":true,"InstanceGroup0":255,"InstanceGroup1":255,"InstanceGroup2":255,"EventScheme":2,"EventPriority":3,"EventFilter":212,"EventFilterSize":1,"FeatureType":[],"InputValue":0,"InstanceDetails":{"ShortTimer":25,"ShortTimerMin":10,"DoubleTimer":0,"DoubleTimerMin":10,"RepeatTimer":8,"StuckTimer":20},"DataModelRecipe":["Dali2Instance301_config"],"INSTNR":0},"mode":"normal","x":410,"y":280,"wires":[["5a0a6e5e.1029a"]]},{"id":"5a0a6e5e.1029a","type":"vertex action","z":"4d2f6834.ba9808","name":"","typeButton":"single","bPayload":{"action":null,"group":null,"param":null,"priority":"254"},"bState":"","defaultpriority":true,"x":580,"y":280,"wires":[["9c15fb9a.16bf98"]]},{"id":"9c15fb9a.16bf98","type":"vertex cluster","z":"4d2f6834.ba9808","rate":90,"x":750,"y":280,"wires":[]}] |
To program input module logic within the Node-RED tool you need to use a DALI2 Devs node, which is available in the node palette on the left-hand side of Node-RED UI. Drag the node to the workspace and click it to enter the configuration window.
In the Node properties, in the Serial Number field [1], you can choose the correct INPUT MODULE unit. In the Dali2 Device box choose the number of the input you will be using. For (input 1) IN1 the box should say: 1.Dali2 Input Unit etc. [1]
Then select either Normal or ESDIM (for dimming button) in the Mode field. [1]
The most common Event filters are set by default. In special cases you can deactivate some of them. [2]
Find the vertex action node in the palette. For each button drag an action node to the workspace and define the target group. Depending on usage choose a relevant action (single button, toggle button, triple button, etc.).
Remember to connect your flow to the ​​​​​​​vertex cluster node.
Then click the Deploy button at the upper-right corner of the Node-RED.
You can find example usage of the Input Module here: Alarm override |