Device list overview
[1] Main device list consist of three main lists:
General lightning - list of regular luminaires
Emergency lightning - list of emergency luminaires
Control devices - buttons, sensors etc.
[2] Devices filters by vertexes, DALI bus, group and status of luminaire
[3] Actions tab will highlight after checking any luminaires box [5]
In this tab you can set basic parameter like powe on level - this will enable to decide on which level luminaire should be turned on after turning on vertex. You can set also fade rate of selected luminaire.
[4] In manage column options you can set what will be seen on the list of filtered devices
On the left side ready to use profiles are available.
It is useful to test devices while commissioning. For that purpose is identify switch [6]
We can enter in particular luminaire and get this view.
We can enter also in control devices in this way.
On control devices are available Instances [7]. They are turned off by default but we can change it by using sensors/buttons in Nodered.
Setting DALI-2 parameters
In the E2D UI, you can configure DALI-2 parameters connected to the luminaire driver, e.g.:
fade time
power on level
system failure level
Go to Device list section [1].
Select a device(s) [2] , Click Actions [3] and select Change properties [4].
You can update multiple luminaires at once. We recommend doing so in smaller groups as it’s more efficient.
You can choose from a fixed set of Fade Time values. They are defined by the DALI standard: IEC 62386-102.
Click Save configuration to device [5].
New values for the parameters will then be sent to the DALI drivers. You will see the confirmation in the upper right corner of the E2D UI.