Basically, to connect your installation to Glamox Connect you need an Access point as well as gateway(s) connected to your local installation.
The access point is the one point connected to Glamox Connect. The access point communicates to the gateway(s) on the local network.
What do you need?
Access point
24V power supply(s)
Example with multiple DALI gateways connected to Glamox Connect
The Access point needs to be connected to 24V power as well as ethernet connection.
The DALI gateway has two port for DALI connection, so you will need 1 gateway per two DALI lines in your installation. The DALI gateway is physically connected to the DALI lines, as well as connected to your local IP network. The DALI gateway needs 24V mains connection.
The Zigbee gateway can connect up to 128 devices and requires 230V mains, as well an ethernet connection
The gateways do not require any physical connection to the access point. The Access point communicates over TCP/IP to all connected gateways.