In a Vertex Action node Motion sensor mode is created to get the information from the motion sensor configured in a node (dali2devs or dali2common).
Input of the node:
These are commands received from Motion sensor:{"payload": {"MSEVENT": 0}} - presence
{"payload": {"MSEVENT": 1}} - transition
{"payload": {"MSEVENT": 2}} - no presence
Additionally, each sensor is sending an individual UID (unique identifier):
You need to create a direct connection between a “device” node and a VA: Motion sensor node.
That’s because there is a list of devices in the Vertex Action node, and the logic behind it is waiting for all of the devices to report the No Presence event to turn off a group of luminaires.
Every flow “deploy” clears the list of devices that are connected to the Vertex Action.
Output of the node:
One of the above commands is sent directly to the vertex cluster node
It can be splited by the msg.payload.MSEVENT value:
Tricks & tips:
Fake sensor events:
By using the "Inject" block into Vertex action, you are able to fake the action of a sensor, for example, to maintain the "Presence" state even in the absence of physical movement.
You need to send a msg.payload of { "MSEVENT": 0}; "UID" : "FAKE1" }
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