The dongle is a communication device that translates Bluetooth from the tablet to radio communication that goes on between the devices.
A Bluetooth Dongle including software licence for communication between the commissioning tablet and the Wireless Radio system.
Product Features
Used in conjunction with Wireless Radio software and Android tablet.
Kept in your pocket when in use for commissioning or monitoring.
Stored on your desk plugged into USB port for charging when not in use.
Hardware Connections
MicroUSB lead supplied. If replaced always use a sync lead and not a charge only lead.
Charge from Mains, Car or for the most efficient charge, via a PC USB socket.
Preserves battery life when not in use by going into standby mode after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Physically rotate to wake from standby mode.
24 hours continuous use battery life when being used for commissioning.
30 days battery life when in standby mode.
Charge for 24 hours before undertaking commissioning using the supplied MicroUSB lead.
To turn on, insert a pin into the small hole on the right hand side of the device. Wait for the red light on the front of the device to flash and then tap again.
The top light will now turn green and then slowly flash green.
To turn off, insert a pin in the small hole and hold until both lights turn off.
Overall dimensions drawing
Manual Switching
Switch On
Press pin in small hole once, red LED illuminates briefly.
Press again, green LED illuminates briefly.
Info |
See LED Statuses section for more detail |
Switch Off
Press pin in small hole once, red LED illuminates briefly.
Press again, green LED goes out.
Info |
It is not normally necessary to manually switch the device off unless it will not be used for several weeks. |
Switched On
Unit is charged by connecting to a USB port in a PC or charging socket.
Slow Charge (100 mA) - Green LED flashes twice every 2 seconds.
Fast Charge - Green LED flashes three times every 2 seconds (*).
Fully Charged - Green LED is ON and stops flashing.
Info |
From v.3.121 onwards charging will always use the full capacity of the charger. Therefore, do not use with a USB 1 socket in a laptop/PC as this could damage the USB socket. |
Info |
(*) No longer applies from v.3.121 onwards. |
Switched Off
No charging takes place if the device has been manually switched off.
LED Statuses
Green LED
Manually switched off or in standby
2 flashes
Charging at 100 mA
3 flashes
Charging at 500 mA
10 second flash
Fully charged in standby (*)
1 second cycle
Running on internal battery
Fully Charged and Active
4 second flash
Running on battery but battery getting low.
10 second flash
Asleep and battery getting low (*).
Info |
(*) No longer applies from v.3.121 onwards. |
Standby Mode
To Wake Up
Move the device through more than 180°. Green LED Lights.
Running On Internal Battery
Device goes back into Standby after 3 minutes if Bluetooth is not connected.
Device goes into standby if no movement or activity occurs for 15 minutes.
Plugged into USB on Slow Charge
Goes to sleep after 15 minutes without activity (allowing faster charging) (*).
Plugged into USB on Fast Charge
Stays on indefinitely.
Info |
(*) No longer applies from v.3.121 onwards. |
Working Offline
Either switch the DONGLE off manually or:
Click the Bluetooth icon.