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Daylight Harvesting is a method used to optimize the use of natural daylight in indoor spaces. It involves the use of sensors and controls to automatically adjust artificial lighting levels based on the amount of available natural light. By dimming or turning off artificial lights when sufficient daylight is present, daylight harvesting systems can reduce energy consumption and create a more comfortable and sustainable environment.

Constant light control uses a feedback loop to maintain a consistent level of illumination in a space. It works by continuously adjusting the artificial lighting output based on real-time feedback from light sensors.

Get your prioirities right! (wink)

Priority is very important when it comes to Daylight Harvesting, here you will find an explanation of how it works, so that if for some reason you need to change priorities you will do it correctly.

When the motion sensor detects presence in the room, The Presence action with priority 255 is triggered and lights turn on. After this event, its priority changes to 0. As the default priority of Daylight Harvesting function is also 0 Daylight Harvesting is now active. If

Usually when you want to set a scene we you use priority to override daylight harvesting. We You do this by giving the secene scene an initial priority is 254. Priority 254 which changes to 1 after implementation blocking the daylight harvesting messages which have priority 0. We do the same thing for other actions such as the standby transition time or turning the lights off.

If you want more information on this topic go to: Action priorities


Import the ready made flow using the instructions here: Importing a Node-RED flow or follow the instructions below.

Code Block
[{"id":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"46ec5aaf5504be19277b01b5.a09f3e","type":"vertex action","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"","typeButton":"directv","bPayload":{"action":"setbrightnesslog","group":null,"param":0,"priority":"0"},"bState":"","defaultpriority":false,"x":750,"y":400,"wires":[["488e33fcbfd5bc2a6e4445b.84719bc"]]},{"id":"488e33fcbfd5bc2a6e4445b.84719bc","type":"vertex cluster","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","rate":90,"x":890,"y":280,"wires":[]},{"id":"714ed327d54fb93e16b3b26f.431ade","type":"vertex daylightHarvesting","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"Daylight Harvesting","primarygroup":"fb3565668659d2c83c26a6e2fbad2a7c","target":"500","tolerance":"20","P":0.25,"I":0.03,"D":0,"min":-25"0","max":25"100","x":510,"y":400,"wires":[["46ec5aaf5504be19277b01b5.a09f3e"]]},{"id":"3c3f21a4ee8cd654b56cc34a.c10de","type":"DALI2 Devs Common","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"Motion and light sensor","outputs":2,"uid":"008C699BDDC69077D7","devStatus":2,"devSettings":[{"instanceType":3,"isDisabled":false,"dali2t1":"40","dali2t2":"5","evenFilters":15},{"instanceType":4,"isDisabled":false,"evenFilters":1}],"savedSettings":[{"instanceType":3,"isDisabled":false,"dali2t1":"40","dali2t2":"5","evenFilters":7},{"instanceType":4,"isDisabled":false,"evenFilters":1}],"x":210,"y":340,"wires":[["32faf284606bb57737ebdb29.320bb4"],["714ed327d54fb93e16b3b26f.431ade"]]},{"id":"32faf284606bb57737ebdb29.320bb4","type":"vertex action","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"","typeButton":"motionsensor","bPayload":{"PRESENCE":{"action":"minlevel","group":null,"param":null,"priority":"255"},"TRANSITION":{"action":"noreact","group":null,"param":null,"priority":"0"},"NOPRESENCE":{"action":"setbrightness","group":null,"param":"0","priority":"254"}},"bState":"","defaultpriority":true,"x":490,"y":280,"wires":[["488e33fcbfd5bc2a6e4445b.84719bc"]]},{"id":"9f56e18b6c0c6b876025afc5.e5c82","type":"comment","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"Select and configure the multi sensor","info":"## 1. In DALI2 Devs Common node, in the Serial Number field, select the multisensor.\n\n## 2. Clear 2nd checkbox to be able to program Light Sensor\n\n## 3. ","x":200,"y":300,"wires":[]},{"id":"63a0735d23c3a08df000e34f.ad77d","type":"comment","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"SetSpecify luxes and tolerance (Do the quick calibration firstt!)DH parameters","info":"","x":440500,"y":440,"wires":[]},{"id":"be97bb8e83969abf27e3bb70.659bd4","type":"comment","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"Mode: Direct Value ","info":"","x":750,"y":360,"wires":[]},{"id":"3a6d8557cce911f94823f140.3961d","type":"comment","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"Action: Set brightness (scale logarithmic).","info":"","x":820,"y":440,"wires":[]},{"id":"f084dd42f8a9f9107c6c5627.dbeaa8","type":"comment","z":"a33e462751ce33dfcdafac4.f48035","name":"Mode: Motion sensor","info":"","x":480,"y":240,"wires":[]}]
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Step-by-step instructions

  1. Find the following nodes in the palette on the left side of the Node-RED and , drag them to your workspace and connect them as shown.

  • DALI2 Devs Common

  • Daylight Harvesting

  • vertex action x2

  • vertex cluster

2. Drag the nodes and drop them onto the workspace.3. Click the DALI2 Devs Common node to enter the configuration window, in the Serial Number field [2], select your sensor from the drop down list.

43. By default all instances are marked which means they are disabled. Enable motion sensor and light sensor by unchecking the is disabled checkbox [3] and set the Mode as Normal.

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54. The upper output of the Motion and light sensor node is for motion detection. Go to the first vertex action node connected to the motion sensor output. Select the Motion sensor mode and appropriate group. Configure the Presence, Transition and No presence state actions accordingly [4].


Leave the default priority settings.

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65. Go to the Daylight Harvesting node which is connected to the lower output of the Motion and light sensor node. Set Configure the feedback group to match the same group selected chosen in step 5. The Feedback This group gives provides feedback on the current present intensity value (in lux). Set Adjust the intensity in the "Daylight Harvesting value Value [Lux]" field and choose toleranceselect the desired tolerance [5].

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Note Please be aware that the intensity in setting within the Daylight Harvesting function may not correspond to necessarily align with the actual brightness intensity on e.g. the desk. You should do a quick calibration. Use on, for instance, a desk. To ensure accuracy, it's recommended to use a lux meter to measure the brightness intensity on the desksurface.

How Use this calculator to do determine the daylight harvesting calibration

  1. Set brightness in the vertex action node to get e.g. 500 lux on the desk - measure this using a lux meter.

  2. Note the Illuminance level below the DALI2 Devs Common node in the Node-RED workspace.

  3. Enter this value in the Daylight Harvesting Value field in the daylight harvesting node.

  4. If you need, check other configurations e.g. 1000 lux and create a table with values.

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proper Daylight harvesting values and Tolerance. The rest of the values are calculated for the advanced settings in this node.

View file

  1. In Advanced settings of the Daylight Harvesting node, you can change the PID output range. So that, e.g lights will not turn off, but dimm down to 10% when the light sensor value fall below given Daylight Harvesting Value [Lux]. Change the PID output range by defining PID output min and max values [6].

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7. Go to the second vertex action node. Set the mode as a Direct Value and Set brightness (scale logarithmic) as the action. Select the same group as in the Daylight Harvesting node [7].

8. In the vertex action node, uncheck the Default priority checkbox and set the Priority to 0 [8].

Image Removed9. Link all nodes together. Then select Deploy and test your flowImage Added

Don't forget to connect all your nodes and be sure that the vertex cluster node is present in your flow! 

Then click Deploy button at the upper-right corner of the Node-RED.