The object can be moved in the two axis directions which is most logical for the current view angle (the active axis directions are shown on the main menu toolbar):
While moving the object, a tool tip will display the current position and the delta movement (position difference).
The light distribution is shown as a volumetric area surrounding the luminaire. The polar lines found in the luminaire information window can be recognized by the red and purple lines: |
Position Labeling
Position labeling properties
If the project has been configured with a position labeling profile, an additional tab will be visible in the lower part of the luminaire placement window:
For basic labeling profiles you can create a label by simply clicking the "Generate PosNr" button.
Panel and circuit
If the profile has been configured with panels and/or circuits you will have to configure these before a label can be generated.
Lighting Scenarios
To use lighting scenarios a project must be configured with a Position Labeling profile which includes panel and circuit setup.
Creating a scenario
Enter the scenario configuration screen by clicking the
button on the left toolbar:
The scenario configuration consists of its name, the emergency lighting mode and which panels and circuits which are included in the Scenario.
Loading a scenario
A list of all the scenarios in the current room can be seen in the object list on the left, and the active scenario is indicated by a green arrow.
You can load a scenario by double-clicking it. The luminaire placement screen will be updated, and only the luminaires included in the scenario will be visible.
If you now perform a calculation, the result will be saved for the active scenario.
Lighting calculation
Clicking the
button located at the bottom menu will bring up the calculation setup dialogue.
Easy setup
When opened, the calculation setup will show the most basic settings, with a generic slider to adjust overall quality:
Advanced setup
Pressing the button [Advanced] will expand the calculation setup window:
Element division
This is the base subdivision value used when generating the lighting model. Increasing the detail means decreasing the size of the surface elements.
Automatic surface subdivision
This section is only active if the "Automatic surface subdivision" checkbox above is checked. This slider determines how small the allowed subdivision elements can be.
Setting this to detailed will allow sharper shadow contours.
The convergence value determines the point where reflected light is rejected because it's too weak, i.e how many reflections that will be performed before the calculation is completed.
If you wish to count the luminaires as objects which reflect and block light, check the first option.
To improve accuracy of this calculation, check the second option (divide into elements).
The setting "Use detailed luminaire definitions" is by default set to no state (see picture). This means that the room will be calculated with the global setting. If this setting is enabled, all calculations will be performed using 3D luminaire symbols even if they are disabled in the editor.
If the option "Save visualized calculation result" is enabled, a complete 3D model of the calculation will be saved along with the room. This option must be enabled to see the calculated results in scene definitions when creating a report, or else the report will fall back to showing the standard room representation.
Calculate with..
Here you can choose which surfaces to include/exclude in the calculation. This setting will be saved separately for each room.
3D Model imported in room
Here you can enable/disable the use of the 3D Background model data. This section can only be seen if the room has a 3D background model.
By converting colours to defined reflection you can control the reflection amount of the 3D model surfaces.
The "Clip 3D model on room boundaries" option will perform a much more accurate clipping than the CAD model import.
Using “Only direct calculation for small surfaces” can be useful to speed up calculations by performing a much quicker calculation for very small surfaces. The input unit is square centimeters, e.g 5cm x 5cm = 25cm2.
The option "Check for calculation points inside objects" will disable calculation points that is detected as being inside the 3D model data.
Note: the test is not accurate and substantially increases the time it takes to read calculation results depending on the model complexity.
Calculation result
By setting the "Ignore Lux-values" options, calculation points with a Lux value less than specified will be ignored when the calculation results are presented. It can be useful to ignore the low values that might occur for calculation points located inside the 3D model (because of light leakage).
Note: adjusting the Lighting data slider on the top will automatically modify the other settings.
See the surface model setup chapter for examples of how these settings affect the calculation result.
Surface Model
Draft When calculated with the lowest quality setting. Surfaces are divided into very large areas, with the light intensity interpolated between the surface corners. The result is a very fast calculation, at the cost of accuracy. Note: detail objects (like the valve) will still have a large number of surfaces. This is because the calculation engine doesn't try to simplify geometry. |
Normal The normal quality setting will divide the original geometry into more detailed sections. The result is a fast calculation at the cost of some accuracy. |
Detailed The highest quality setting will divide the geometry into very small surfaces. Notice that this has revealed a shadow on the back wall, which were practically invisible when using the other detail levels. In other areas like the platform floor, the details provides no additional information. The result is a slow calculation, but with a high level of accuracy. |
Automatic surface subdivision When using the automatic surface subdivision you might notice that the light flashes on and off for a while before the calculation starts. This is how the calculation engine determines where it needs additional surface details. Notice how the surfaces on the back wall are more detailed to display the shadow. The platform floor is divided like in the normal calculation, because the base configuration was the same (and no more surfaces were needed). The result is a good tradeoff between calculation speed and accuracy. Note: the automatic subdivision uses the detail/draft setting as a base subdivision. |