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Using this flow you will be able to adjust the DALI luminaire's brightness in the E2D system from the KNX level. The program described in this article is associated with dimming up/down using KNX buttons. This functionality is only available when you have LMS E2D REMOTE ACCESS KIT at your site and the Vertex ApC has been supplied with an internet connection.

Installing KNX library for Node-RED

You need to install node-red-contrib-knx-easy library for Node-RED. You will do that in Settings.

  • Open the Node-RED and go to the Settings tab and select Settings[1].


  • Go to the Palette [2]tab. Here you can see all the libraries installed in the current Node-RED version.


  • Select the Install tab [3]. Type in node-red-contrib-knx-easy [4] in the search bar and click the Install button [5] for the needed library.


43. You will notice the recieve a prompt message. You can read Read the node documentation and select Install [6] to confirm your action.

Image Removed

5. Go to Pallete → Nodes and you will see that the library has been installed.



KNX messages structure

We can receive the following information from the KNX system:
{"decr_incr":1,"data":1} - start ‘up’
{"decr_incr":0,"data":1} - start ‘down’
{"decr_incr":0,"data":0} -stop dimming


Importing and configuring the flow for KNX dimming


Step-by-step instructions


Import the ready made flow using the instructions here: Importing a Node-RED flow or follow the instructions below.

Code Block
[{"id":"71227ab4.ab1284","type":"function","z":"fd4e3895.5784f8","name":"funcion dimming KNX to E2D","func":"\nif(msg.payload.decr_incr==1 &\n{\n    msg.payload= { \"HOLDUP\" : 1 };\n    return msg;\n}\nelse if(msg.payload.decr_incr==0 &\n{\n    msg.payload= { \"HOLDUP\" : 2 };\n    return msg;\n}\nelse if(msg.payload.decr_incr==0 &\n{\n    msg.payload= { \"HOLDDOWN\" : 1 };\n    return msg;\n}\nelse if(msg.payload.decr_incr==0 &\n{\n    msg.payload= { \"HOLDDOWN\" : 2 };\n    return msg;\n}\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":630,"y":540,"wires":[["a0a22a2e.69b948"]]},{"id":"799f6b8b.d8bf4c","type":"knxEasy-in","z":"fd4e3895.5784f8","server":"dfe0bfd2.ff9b","topic":"0/0/8","dpt":"3.007","initialread":false,"notifyreadrequest":false,"notifyresponse":false,"notifywrite":true,"name":"Dimming 0/0/8","x":260,"y":540,"wires":[["71227ab4.ab1284"]]},{"id":"a0a22a2e.69b948","type":"vertex action","z":"fd4e3895.5784f8","name":"Dimming","typeButton":"dimm","bPayload":{"DON":{"action":"noreact","group":"29842950807acaf4bf4d5eb07a7b4d72","param":null,"priority":"254"},"HOLDUP":{"action":"upaction","group":"29842950807acaf4bf4d5eb07a7b4d72","param":null,"priority":"254"},"HOLDDOWN":{"action":"downaction","group":"29842950807acaf4bf4d5eb07a7b4d72","param":null,"priority":"254"},"DOFF":{"action":"noreact","group":"29842950807acaf4bf4d5eb07a7b4d72","param":null,"priority":"254"}},"bState":false,"defaultpriority":true,"x":920,"y":540,"wires":[["62b76853.8a5288"]]},{"id":"62b76853.8a5288","type":"vertex cluster","z":"fd4e3895.5784f8","userouting":false,"rate":5,"x":1190,"y":540,"wires":[]},{"id":"8ae7ffd4.b73d98","type":"comment","z":"fd4e3895.5784f8","name":"Set correct IP of the KNX gateway!","info":"","x":320,"y":440,"wires":[]},{"id":"f9bd13ea.1bc25","type":"comment","z":"fd4e3895.5784f8","name":"Confirm the group address","info":"","x":300,"y":480,"wires":[]},{"id":"dfe0bfd2.ff9b","type":"knxEasy-config","host":"","port":"3671"}]

2. Go 1. After importing the flow go to the first node - knxEasy-in. Make sure that Set the gateway, group address and Datapoint are set correctly .


Provide the


the KNX IP gateway (like router IP) and port of the gateway (the one in the flow is


an example) [7]. Check if the group address [8] given in the knxEasy-in node


are the same as the one you


set in ETS software. Datapoint [9] should be set to 3.007 in both .


3. Go to the Vertex action node. Actions are already set, but if you would like to make some modifications, you can do this (at your own risk (wink) ).


4. Deploy the program and test it!


The Vertex node is set, so you do not need to make any changes.


Do not forget to click Done and Deploy!