This release improves the system's responsiveness of system and resolve resolves the crucial problem with addressing the 4446 input unit devices.
The problem with addressing and scanning the 4446 input units has been fixed.
The problem with long DALI devices scanning and has been fixed
The problem with displaying an incorrect number of devices displaying in GUI has been fixed.
The responsivity of reaction for triggered actions has been optimised.
The problem with duplicating devices in GUI after the software update has been fixed.
The reaction for setting the feedback diode on pushbutton panels has been speeded up.
The problem with triggering the identification on emergency luminaires has been fixed.
The problem with disappearing warnings in UI has been fixed.
The problem with "OUT OF DATE" information in emergency reports has been fixed.
The sensor list loading in node-red has been speeded up.
The issue with missing luminaires in the functional test has been fixed.
The issue in “removing devices” has been fixed.
The verification of sensor UID in the Vertex action node has been deleted (not needed anymore :))