How to commission it?
To program the logic for this switch within within the Node-RED tool you tool you need to use a dali2devs node which you can find use a DALI2 Devs Common node, which is available in the node pallette palette on the left-hand side of the Node-RED UI.
Click this node to enter the configuration window. Choose the serial number of the device in the Serial Number field and then in the Dali2 Device select Dali2 input unit. This device has 4 DALI-2 input units to program. .Uncheck the box (or boxes) at each DALI2 Input Unit. It depends on how many buttons from the cross switch you want to program. Then select the mode for each button. For the standard toggle button use Mode: Normal. If you need to create a function of dimming choose Mode:ESDIM.
Then click Done in the upper right corner of the window.
Import the ready flow using the code below:
Code Block |
[ { { "id": "af2924c6c24aca59.95d26804dcc8", "type": "dali2devsvertex action", "z": "93ded5e3810b6cdc.159568028bf", "name": "", "uid "typeButton": "FB5E364E0002D7E3toggle", "dali2dev": "0", "instanceType": 1, "dali2t1": 90, "dali2t2": "", "modebPayload": "normal", "x": 230, "y": 120, "wires": [ [ "d8dcbb18.76c478" ] ] }, { "id": "d8dcbb18.76c478", "type": "vertex action", "z": "93ded5e3.159568", "name": "", "typeButton": "toggle", "bPayload": { "ON": { { "ON": { "action": "setbrightnessnoreact", "group": "8471eb31985a5a3b085dd1d499d047730327ffd20adbd58c2cf40fa8b12b9304", "param": "100"null, "priority": "254" }, }, "OFF": { "action": "setbrightnessnoreact", "group": "8471eb31985a5a3b085dd1d499d047730327ffd20adbd58c2cf40fa8b12b9304", "param": "0", null, "priority": "254" } }, } }, "bState": false, "defaultpriority": true, "x": 440, 600, "y": 120, 220, "wires": [ [ "c59535c3.4a0d28" ] ] }, { "id": "c59535c3.4a0d28", "type": "vertex cluster", "z": "93ded5e3.159568", "userouting": false, "rate": 5, "x": 660, "y": 120, "wires": [] [ "ce1d5788.38ada8" ] ] } ] |